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Anti-Corruption Policy

Our Group is committed to maintaining the best employment practices and the highest standards of openness, probity, accountability, integrity, corporate governance and to confidentially act with honesty at all times. To enable this, our Group is adopting an anti-corruption policy to provide guidance our employees in offering and accepting business courtesies with vendors and customers.

Our Group adopts a zero-tolerance policy towards any forms of corruption and bribery in our business. Our employees have to observe the anti-bribery and anti-corruption legislations and regulations in the countries where we have business activities in and undertake not to engage in any corrupt or improper practices.

Policy on Accepting and Offering Business Courtesies

Our Company does not allow our employees to solicit or accept any benefits and business courtesies such as commissions, gifts in cash or kind, gifts that are more than a specified nominal value, or other service, favour or advantage of any description whatsoever, from any organisation, firm or individual with whom they deal with in the course of the employment.

Our Company does not allow our employees to promise or offer to give any benefits and business courtesies such as commissions, gifts in cash or kind, gifts that are more than nominal value, or any other service, favour or advantage of any description whatsoever, to any individual of external parties with whom they deal with in the course of the employment.

Business Courtesy means anything of value, a favor, or a benefit provided free of charge or at a charge less than fair market value. A business courtesy may be a tangible or intangible benefit, including, but not limited to, such items as nonmonetary gifts, meals, drinks, entertainment, hospitality, services, recreation, door prizes, transportation, discounts, tickets, passes, sporting events, side excursions or outings etc. If there are any doubt or uncertainty, employees should declare and seek prior clearance or confirmation from HR.

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